Why people always need Motivation to get something done?

I don’t feel motivated and energetic; are you feeling the same. do you know why?

Aizan Ali
5 min readAug 31, 2020
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Every time when we start something new .we feel lack of energy, lost and also sometimes things gone worst we just fed up and then we return to path of finding motivation like watching YOUTUBE videos, listening Podcast, and my fav motivational quotes, books,etc.

I always have a Question in my mind why i need motivation for every new thing? Why i can’t just do it?

After searching on Google I end with that result 18% of employees are unhappy at work and 52% of employees perform without care for their work. I was shocked when i looked at that numbers that number 66% of employee leaving their company would improve recognition at work.

After looking many research I find out that its not a problem and its a disease.and I don’t want to count my self in that numbers.

So I break down this issue in to few steps why we always need motivation to get started?

1-Fear of Failure

Fear of life,profession,relationship,having children, success,etc.We always afraid for such things.But now i think it’s a part of success and our lives.

So why we can’t take risks to overcome these fears? Because we could not know ourselves.We still in our school where we always have a fear of less grade and keep fighting for good grades.that was such a cute moments.

But once you grown up your journey of real world the real obstacles begins.So why wasting time.we should just jump from that fear and start experiencing.

It might be in future you feel regression for not doing such tasks.

My father always said you can’t take a stand until you face your fear

-Aizan Ali

2-You’re on wrong track

Working in a place that makes you and your soul tired. It’s not right place for you.For instance,Working in a library is dream for some people.they spend years and years in that zone easily.on the other hand for some who don’t have interest and passion.

What they feel? They feel sad,depressing and lost.

Another example,is about food some people are veg and some are non-veg.It’s all about their feeling. <I don’t want to hurt anyone>

What you should do find that path that makes you happy, relaxing, and always motivates you.

Finding a way on your own way - Aizan Ali

3-Freedom of work

Freedom of work ‘It’s seems to be simple but to be honest its not’ We are not discussing about independence something more faze.As we know every employee have some responsibilities and feeling attached with their work.

However,freedom of work is a need of every employee and human.In our brain there is decision making center that need to be exercised. Research found that decision making center is under development process in those people due to depression.So it can be cure by practicing.

Freedom of work is one the major cause for employee resignation

4-not ‘challenging enough’

Challenge is another crucial ingredient for motivation that authors like Daniel Pink and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, highlight. When it comes to dealing with challenges, there’s a sweet spot. Too great a challenge, and the fear becomes too great and saps our motivation (see point 1), and if the challenge is too small, we quickly get bored and struggle to stay motivated. We’re designed to be living, growing creatures, and we need constant challenges and opportunities to master new skills. Without challenges, our Essential Self steps in and demotivates us as a way of telling us that we’ve departed from the path that’s right for us…

How to get motivated again: Review your goals and the projects you’re working on. Are they challenging you? Are they going to require you to grow in order to achieve them, or are you treading water in your comfort zone, doing only the things you know you can do? Try tweaking your goals to make them a bit more challenging, take on projects that will require you to grow, and find a new thing or two to learn to stimulate yourself.

5-Conflict of values

Your values are what’s important to you in life. If you have a values conflict, it means that there are two or more values that are important to you but you believe that you can’t satisfy all of those values in a particular situation.

This situation causes you to feel conflicted and pulled in different directions as you try to find ways to get what’s important to you. You might have brief spurts of motivation to work on something and then lose motivation and start working on something else, or your motivation might dry up altogether because the effort of dealing with internal conflict quickly tires you out and saps your energy.

How to get motivated again: You need to unpack your values conflict and play mediator. You have to get the parts of you that are advocating for different values to play on the same team again. Start with acknowledging the internal conflict.

Grab a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle so that you have two columns. Write about the two different directions you feel pulled in, one in each column, and summarize it with a statement of what each part wants.

Now, pick one column and chunk it up: “Why does this part want that? What does it hope to get as a result of having that?” Keep asking the questions and writing your answers until you feel that you’ve hit on the result that this part of you ultimately wants. Now do the same for the other part, and notice when you get to the level where the answers in the two columns are the same.

Ultimately, all of the parts of you always want the same thing, because they’re all you. Now that you know what you really want, you can evaluate the strategies that each part had been advocating for and decide which strategy would work best.

4–5 source: advice.shinetext

In summary Motivation is part of our life.To get inspire our self.But the problem is what are main cause every people need motivation for their work.So we figure out and make a list of problems that are most common such as Fear of failure, wrong track, freedom of work, Not-Challenging, value of conflict



Aizan Ali

Passionate wordsmith crafting compelling content for the digital world. Transforming ideas into engaging stories. Let's make words come alive!