I remember the days when the teacher asks everyone in the class.
What are your future goals?
Most of my peers saying lawyers, judges, sportsman, teachers,..etc.Few of them are just quite and sit aside.
They never know what they want to do in their future.
But i know that I want to become a software engineer.
Yeah, To be honest. I don’t remember who suggested that domain.
I think my parents. Because at that time we buy a Pentium 4.
And my father always told me that the future totally relies on computers.
So, learn it…It’s the one side reason…But on the other side.
I have a passion to learn it but I have no resources to learn.
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
Years later:
Story Begins when I new in the world of internet ‘2015–2016’.
At that time I was just starting using internet and start learning from it…
At that time I know that I want to become a IT expert. So I decided let’s take advantage of the internet. and start learning my own.
So I scroll Google, Youtube, and start learning about computer science. after, Spending a lot of effort and understand the environment of tech.
The journey begins I realize It’s a very difficult task. you could not become a IT expert without proper knowledge of programming.
Sometimes the hurdles aren’t really hurdles at all. They’re welcome challenges, tests — Paul Walker
In programming, there are a lot of languages over there
such as c++,c#, python, java, Javascript …much much more…
There is a confusion everywhere.
It’s a very hard task for a beginner to master in one of the languages. So after a few days of research, I found out that there is too many options. but I found a similar domain is known as ‘Web-Development’
I know a few of you are thinking what is that. So, in my words
“Web development means the developer of website” related stuff
So, In web development field there are three types of web development
2 -Back End
3-Full Stack
I’m in a hurry. I want to learn something that is quick and easy.
So, I pick the much easier one as compared to others that is ‘Front End’
I don’t want to get deep into it. So, What happened after learning more than 1 and the half month I learned nothing except copy and paste and few basics of HTML & CSS…
At last Wait for it.I’ll show you a prove What i make with that basics.

This is just at HTML. For some of them its an easy task but for me, it takes me weeks. Because I have a burden of my education and my other stuff.
Now the HTML is complete for a demo. Now I want to make my website into a look. after a lot of attempts and learn from google and experimentation.
the results show this…

it doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop
For me.It’s Okay As a beginner i consider that I have knowledge of few basics.
At that time I was in college and my exams are quite near So, Its hard for me
“Sailing on two boats”. I stop working on it.
But that was quite an amazing experience for me.
So, What I learned From this experience:
1-If you have the courage to do something. Just do it.
2-Don’t wait for a good time.
3-Time never stops for anyone.
4-hurdles are everywhere
5-keep pushing yourself
Last but not least
Never Stop Learning New things
In the end:
Thanks for reading this article
If you have anything that you love to share with me. Just take the words out.
Just say it…